Committed to surgical excellence in caring for children.
We provide specialised care in a safe envoirnment
How is circumcision done In Weston Surgical Centre?
Before the operation the consultant will examine the child and explain the procedure. You can accompany the child to theatre until he goes to sleep, then you will have to leave, once the child is in recovery you will be invited back. Whilst asleep and your child cannot feel pain the foreskin is removed blood vessels sealed so there is no bleeding and very fine plastic surgical stitches applied which dissolve. Local anaesthetic is infilterated so the area will be numb and pain free for 4- 6 hours after the procedure . Once the child is awake he will be moved to recovery where you will join him. Post operative care is explained and care sheet provided for pain relief. You will have the consultants contact number to call if you have any concerns. There is no bandage no plastic ring so healing is quicker.
We are proud to have looked after thousands of children safely. The measure of our care is that many consultants, paediatric doctors , GPs and have traveled form far, some abroad, to the Weston Surgical Centre.
Specialised Care at Affordable Cost
How much does it cost?
Operation by Consultant Paediatric Surgeons in other private hospitals or NHS private patient departments is over two thousand pounds. The weston surgical centre has been set up for the community and the cost depends on the age of the child but is 10 - 20 % of the cost. We are proud that our Audited results show the highest standards for outcome and parent satisfaction

Who are Paediatric Surgeons?
They do a 5-year degree in medicine, recognised by the G.M.C, a 2-year foundation course of general training then upto 7 years of specialist training, They are senior doctors not GPs.

Who do they Treat
Paediatric surgical is the only specialty that is defined by the patient’s age rather than by a specific condition and deals with many diseases, trauma and malformations from the foetal period to teenage years.

Carefully Audited Results
Weston Surgical centre proactively audits its outcomes against published standards and has the highest standards with minimal complications and highest patient satisfaction.

Who do we look after
We look after children from all faiths. If children have medical conditions we have to liaise with the child's treating specialist to ensure it is safe to proceed. We have found treating specialists very supportive and helpful for the child's care.
HIGH COURT JUDGE refers to our credentials July 2013
The Learned Judge Justice Cobb ordered a transcript at public expense (making the reference to the names of parties anonymous) of the hearing as it is of public interest. Also the Judge made reference to your good credentials and ordered that the circumcision must take place at Weston Surgical Centre

HIGH COURT ORDER JULY 2013 (Mr Justice Cobb presiding at the final contested hearing at the Birmingham District Registry ). Reference to our credentials 'The Judge ordered a transcript at public expense (making the reference to the names of parties anonymous) of the hearing as it is of public interest. Also the Judge made reference to your good credentials and ordered that the circumcision must take place at Weston Surgical Centre ..'
Circumcision is recommended by
In medicine we are required to be evidence based. The organisations below and others have looked at highest level of evidence on male circumcision including Cochrane reviews for the basis of their recommendation.
- World Health Organisation
- American Academy or Pediatrics
- Many other High level peer reviewed punlications
- Prevention of HIV
- Kidney Infections
- prevention of cervical cancer
- Significant reduction in penile cancer and STDS
Reviews From Our Happy Parents
Thank you for allowing us to care for your child.
Parents from west Midlands

Parents from Manchester/Stoke

How To Find Us
Fill Up The Form And Ask Your Queries

Weston Surgical Centre
224 Weston Road
Stoke ST3 6EE

01782 33337e
